- The English rosary of Chaim Frenkel’s Secession-style villa is women’s joy. Sweet smells, colours, every corner is suitable for a beautiful photo. In the summer, a music festival is also held here, so you just have to choose the right date and enjoy the music, surrounded by roses.
- The collections of the Botanical Garden will pique interest of many of you or maybe even entice to become gardeners. The collections of rhododendrons and mountain plants are simply spectacular. Here you will also find a place to spend an afternoon on the grass. The Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (otherwise known as The Herbs Day), taking place in the garden, invites plant lovers from all over Lithuania.
- 3. Teahouse “Valerijonas” treats to vegetarian dishes, but you will find confectionery items and desserts there too. You can even buy the elixir of youth at the pharmacy – it produces unique creams, organizes workshops: you can mix the cream yourself, try the possibilities and flavours of oils.
- The city’s sweetest place is the complex of the chocolate factory “Rūta”: the museum, café and shop in one place. Maybe you will be tempted with pink chocolate, or maybe you are a lover of classic dark chocolate? For lovers of spicy sensations, it is recommended to try out the Aztec drink. A little bit of magic – a chocolate bubble, a dose of sweetness for the whole day.
- The best podium in the city – Šiauliai boulevard – suits for walks, shopping, quiet coffee sipping and photo sessions. There are several museums, shops, art galleries here, flowers are blooming. Concerts are held too, follow the information

In summer, the smell of flowers, sweet aromas, hot sun and holiday anticipation make you feel dizzy with happiness. If you want to get away with your friends for a fun women outing at least for a short while, choose Šiauliai. Why? There are as many as 5 reasons that will convince you to come to the city of the Sun and indulge in pleasures.
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